Hi, I'm Juliane with one n

Hi, I'm Juliane with one n
AI thinks I look poreless and slightly skeptical, but the real me is that grinning weirdo with the messy hair on the right. Also, that's rootbeer, because I'm one of only 8 Germans ever in all of history to not care for real beer. 

I love long walks on the beach. No, really. Also books, people, flowers, croissants, and magical, mossy forests with giant trees.

I was born in Germany and raised by a German hippie mom and US Army soldier dad in a tiny village in Bavaria. I now live in a small Mountain town in Montana, the state with the coldest temperatures ever recorded in the lower 48, while somehow also being home to the largest supervolcano in the US (Yellowstone). I wake up most days wondering if I'll freeze to death or be evaporated in a volcano eruption. Yes, I meditate for my anxiety. It's a work in progress.

I live with my partner and our combined six teenagers in a little house with one Dr. Seuss tree and a backyard gate that opens onto a walking trail. Rob and I started talking ten years ago and haven't stopped since. Something always smells funny in this place, but I love that there's a pile of stinky shoes in the hallway with all the corresponding feet belonging to people I love. My idea of family is lingering around a beat-up kitchen table after dinner and talking.

I don't have cool hobbies, but I went kayaking that one time. When I'm sad about the world, I watch The Great British Baking Show. I grew up with grunge and gangsta rap, which means I do know all the words to Run tha Streetz. I once ran a marathon. It wasn't pretty and won't happen again.

I've been a technical writer for Montana State University, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs for six years. My marketing and fundraising communications have made it rain for many Montana non-profits, including securing a $1 million donation for Montana's largest independent reproductive healthcare clinic, Bridgercare. As a book coach, ghostwriter and editor, I've guided ten first-time authors through the ideation and creation of their non-fiction books spanning memoir, entrepreneurship, business development, psychedelics, healthcare, IT, immigration, coaching, and leadership.

I've written for: The Rumpus, Insider, HuffPost, Scary Mommy, IndigoBlue Magazine, Medicinal Media, Sport Stories Press, and A Parent Is Born. You can find recent clips in my Portfolio.

If you want to stay in touch, get free writing resources, collaborate on creative projects, or read updates on my spectacular triumphs and failures while writing my first memoir, hit the subscribe button (top right).

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